The Best Companion. Therapeutic, Interactive Pets

Being an absolute pet lover, even one of our team members is a beautiful furry friend called Beau; I thought the final product for the year could be all about companion pets. What better present to buy someone living in residential aged care!

Companion pets vary tremendously in price and range from Paro, the therapeutic robot which has been around now for more than a decade, through to the companion puppies. Paro of course is the most expensive but is quite an advanced interactive robot

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DesignAmy Bosnar
A look at 2017

2017 has been an incredible year for us all here at de Fiddes Design and whilst it has gone so fast (they say time flies when you are having fun) we have certainly packed a lot in to the year.    

Christmas as we all know is celebrated on the 25th December every year.  It is a religious festival celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ and traditionally is characterised by beautifully decorated Xmas trees, mince pies, presents and a turkey dinner.  It is hopefully a time for families to come together, eat, drink and be merry.  Quite often it is a time for reflection. This year I asked all the team to reflect on the year and to let me know of anything I could add into the news section for our final newsletter for 2017.

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NewsAmy Bosnar
ACSA WA Christmas Breakfast 2017

It was a delight to attend the ACSA WA Christmas Breakfast last week alongside Sam Neylon our clinical director. With fantastic views of City beach along with great food and company the breakfast was a tremendous success and a pleasure to attend!

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Amy Bosnar
A Sensory Escape

Who doesn’t love a Bali escape? Being immersed in the rural Balinese landscape surrounded by paddy fields for a couple of days is an assault to the senses in the best possible way. 

Everyday was a changing backdrop of beauty.

These lotus flowers revealed their full glory on our last day, a fitting end to a sensory experience.

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InspirationAmy Bosnar
A Time for Reflection

Taking a break from the “work” of your work is so important as it helps all the team get a fresh perspective on what we are doing and why we are doing it!  Sitting in the same chair, in the same office can keep us from fresh thinking and news ideas, so we packed our bags and headed off to Bali for 4 days.

Whilst we have mini conferences yearly, every 3 years we plan a major company conference and it was important that we immersed ourselves in our senses.

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NewsAmy Bosnar
Philosophy of Design

This month I delivered a talk at the Alzheimer’s WA Symposium called “Not one size fits all.  How do we create Meaningful Environments? ” Design, like the industry, is changing. Designing environments that are too sterile, too structured and not real just doesn’t work. 

Sensory Design is proclaimed as the new “Philosophy of Design” but it goes so much further than just sensory rooms. If you would like any further information please feel free to contact me and we can catch up for a coffee and a chat.

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NewsAmy Bosnar
Review: Food For Thought

Food can be a great source of joy in our lives particularly when shared with friends and loved ones. We recently come across Maggie Beers latest cook book ‘Maggie’s Recipe for Life’ written in collaboration with Professor Ralph Martins  with the suggestion that good food can reduce your chances of Alzheimer’s and other lifestyle diseases. Informative and packed with delicious recipes to enjoy and within our four seasons, this book could heal your body and your soul. 

We also came across some remarkable images by Hargreaves Levin & Caitlin Levin and we thought the pears, potatoes, sage, rosemary, brussel sprouts, persimmons, shallots, nutmeg, mandarins & cranberries was an appropriate way to celebrate Maggie’s idea of the beauty of good food for life.

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InspirationAmy Bosnar
Innovative Wayfinding by Google!

Signage and Wayfinding are key components of any large building and none more so than in aged care and retirement. 

We touched on the importance of wayfinding and the latest studies in our January and February newsletter. 

Google have installed the most amazing signage and wayfinding scheme throughout their Kirkland Campus.  Interestingly, Larry Page, one of the founders of Google is a strong believer in the Montessori Method of learning and working, which emphasizes making use of all of the five senses and it was this ideology that inspired the design. 

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DesignAmy Bosnar
Why Seating Matters. Part Three. An overview on Lounge Seating

What is wrong with this picture? The seat is too low, the armrests are too high and there is no room to move the feet backwards in order to be able to lean forward and get up from the chair….  It is important to be aware the impact furniture design, specification and placement can have on a person’s ability to function as independently as possible within their living environments.  Here are a few considerations to assist:

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KnowledgeAmy Bosnar
DFD Gives Back!

Along with Materialised Fabrics, we are thrilled to have donated a collection of bedspreads to a selected group of Women’s Refuges around Perth who assist those in need!

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Amy Bosnar
Why Seating Matters. Part Two - Mealtimes, A wonderful Sensory Experience!

Mealtimes are an opportunity for a wonderful sensory experience – delicious smells, delightful taste, enticing visuals. Mmmmm. There’s a problem if you a) can’t get to the table b) can’t locate a chair to sit down or c) it is not a seating arrangement that meets your needs.  You can’t participate in one of life’s most enjoyable pleasures! However, this can be easily addressed if you consider the following:

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KnowledgeAmy Bosnar
Inspirational Ilona

As an all girl design team we are always inspired by strong creative women who love style and colour. Meet Ilona Royce Smithkin at 97 years young she is an artist, teacher, author and a model for Ari Seth Cohen @advancedstyle. She is truly inspiring for the way she completely embraces her own individuality and we totally love the fact that she makes her gorgeous lashes from her own hair. Woo!

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InspirationAmy Bosnar
Good Design = Good Results. Enter Wintringham

On a recent visit to Melbourne I had the pleasure of meeting Bryan Lipmann, CEO of Wintringham Specialist Aged Care. This not for profit welfare organisation cares for older people who are homeless or vulnerable to homelessness.  

Bryan and Ross, former board chairman showed us through their Port Melbourne Hostel. The location is fantastic but what is even more impressive is the actual facility itself.

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NewsAmy Bosnar
Meet Marnie

De Fiddes Design is thrilled to take on a new design intern, Marnie Cooper. Marnie is one interesting lady with a long list of achievements and career moves. As Marnie ventures into the world of Interior Design, she reached out to DFD to gain invaluable experience and imperative insight into designing for aged care, dementia design and retirement living.

We sat down with Marnie this week to reflect on her time here at DFD.


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NewsAmy Bosnar
Spring has Sprung

Spring is definitely in the air and we can’t wait. It’s always so lovely to have a change of season and spring is an all round favourite. We hope this charming image will get you in the mood to savour longer days, the sweet smell of blossom and warmer days ahead.

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InspirationAmy Bosnar