Posts tagged wellbeing
DEB Talks: Social Media and Aged Care

For good or for bad, Social Media is here to stay. As the number of elderly using social platforms continues to rise so too does our interest in its use within aged care. How can organisations use social media and how can we use it to spread a positive message about ageing?
Listen to find out as Deb explores Social Media, Tiktok and its use in Aged Care in the latest Deb Talk.

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Review: Fashion Magazine for Seniors - Tsuru to Kame

How our seniors express themselves is as important as ever. Individuality and self-actualisation doesn’t stop with age, but is paramount to ongoing health and wellbeing. We love Tsuru to Kame, which is a fashion magazine for older people. Will future trends be focused more on seniors and an emphasis on their self-expression? We hope so!

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DEB Talks 'Visitors and Family for Wellbeing'

That loneliness and isolation is one of the biggest challenges to a person’s social, mental and emotional health. Watch as DEB Talks ‘Visitors and Family for Wellbeing’ Our March Video that explores wellness and what we can do to encourage family and visitors to spend more time visiting their relatives in aged care facilities.

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How to improve an Aged Care Residents Wellbeing.

Family – Comes in all shapes and sizes and no one family is the same. We all think ours is normal but as a famous quote by Les Dawson says “Families are like fudge, mostly sweet with a few nuts”. This month, continuing with our trends, we are taking a deeper dive into wellness. Specifically how that relates to Family.

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Review: Arts on Prescription

Arts on Prescription was a HammondCare led and Australian government funded evidence based program informed by similar initiatives in the UK.  This uses a participatory art approach alongside traditional health care approaches to improve the physical and mental well-being of older people.  It is different to diversional therapy.  Read on to find out more and to get your copy of the free guide on using Arts on Prescription in aged care!

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Bibliotherapy, What is it and how can it help?

Bibliotherapy, simply put, it is the use of literature to help people deal with their ailments. Information is emerging on the positive impact it may have on the wellbeing of people living with dementia. Internationally recognised, bibliotherapy involves the provision of carefully selected and evaluated books (fiction and non-fiction) and poetry. 

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Inner Peace

A recent study showed important components of design which can support the well-being of the elderly to include a variety of spaces, comfort and safety. This led to discussion in the office on ‘calmness’ and various ways this can be achieved. What better source of inspiration than the poets, leaders and brave people of yesteryear?

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