Posts tagged youtube
DEB Talks with David Engwicht. Part 1: 'Outdoor Spaces with Purpose'

Watch Part 1 of our video interview with David Engwicht. Join him and Deb as they talk about outdoor spaces with purpose, discuss what is placemaking and talk about his project in Brisbane. This includes a great initiative asking visitors to aged care facilities: ‘has your loved one had 15 minutes outside today?’

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DEB Talks: Social Media and Aged Care

For good or for bad, Social Media is here to stay. As the number of elderly using social platforms continues to rise so too does our interest in its use within aged care. How can organisations use social media and how can we use it to spread a positive message about ageing?
Listen to find out as Deb explores Social Media, Tiktok and its use in Aged Care in the latest Deb Talk.

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