Posts tagged gardening
Purposeful Outdoor Spaces for the Community. Civosity Park by David Engwitch

Last month we talked about stimulation and creating indoor spaces with purpose. This month, thanks to our guest on DEB Talks, David Engwicht, we are talking about outdoor spaces with purpose! This month we are entranced by Civosity Park – this is the formal name of David’s own private front garden, turned public space. Complete with public library, generously donated sculptures and artworks, recliners and deck chairs, a play café, rocking horses and toys.

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Outdoors are IN!

This month a book caught our eye by Doreen Wendt-Weir -’Gardening in your Nineties’, (the sequel to ‘Sex in your Seventies.’) It’s a fascinating memoir about learning to garden for the first time after her partner leaves. Weaved into it are recipes, musings, heartbreak and love. Doreen wrote this whilst she was in isolation.

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Groundhog Day - Keep Productive & Positive

What is the day again? Things are starting to take a turn for the hilarious with the de Fiddes quaranteam. After weeks working from home, it's time to put some measures in places to keep our routines fresh.
From cooking a new recipe each night, jigsaw puzzles and morning meditation, we have rounded up ways to keep sane and positive during this strange time!

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