Groundhog Day - Keep Productive & Positive


Aged care design doesn’t sleep, so while it is business as usual for us, we are navigating through the unusual circumstances by staying together as a close-knit work family! It has been a case of finding the sweet spot in work-life balance being the key to not going confinement crazy! At de Fiddes we are staying busy, adapting to these strange times and giving ourselves a big pat on the back.

We asked the team how they are mixing things up and what silver linings they have found from being at home more. Here is what we found:

Deb: Taking the dog for a long walk first up, series of exercises and then meditation before my day begins!!

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Sam N: There’s no room for repetition or boredom, this house is nuts! Spending more time with family and dogs! 

Vanessa: Jigsaw puzzles!

Erin: I have more time to enjoy an evening walk and take in the evening sky. So many beautiful Perth sunsets!

Katherine: I clean more often than I normally would. Have done a lot more cooking, found my mums, or my grandmothers 80-100 year old recipe for Tomato Relish.

Christine: I move my office between my table and my sofa just to “keep it fresh”

Mollie: I am working my way through books on my ‘to read’ list and making Kimchi!

Sam R: I am getting a lot of gardening done!

Productivity and positivity come from staying mindful and working smart. Look after yourself and your mental health by keeping up with the things that make you happy! We love looking at design blogs, finding inspiration with gorgeous architecture, and reading all the feel good aged care stories that have come out!