Textiles for Sensory Design


Sensory enriched environments are familiar to many aged care organisations with some providing sensorial specific rooms using concepts similar to Snoezelen. However, is there too much emphasis on visual stimulation and high technology equipment in these rooms? A fascinating study shows there is more to flashing lights to provide meaningful sensory input.

Whilst cognitive decline occurs in people living with dementia, their sensory and emotional areas of the brain may remain fairly intact. Sensory deprivation can occur when people’s abilities to initiate activities to stimulate the senses decreases or there is over stimulation resulting in difficulties in processing the information received. Imagine an area of a facility with extensive use of textiles on walls, ceilings and furniture to create a sanctuary of warmth, softness and appropriate stimulation – or relaxation depending on what the individual is seeking! 


Read Anke Jacob and Lesley Collier’s 2018 study on the benefit of textiles for sensory design here.

KnowledgeAmy Bosnar