Smart Grab Rails with Nurse Call feature by Black Crow Designs

Meeting the demands of modern acute, disability and aged care settings. Australian Company Black Crow’s smart grab rails with complete integration of the nurse call control, provide flexibility, capability and ease of use. Communicating the right message to the right person.

The nurse call control integrated into the rail is technologically engineered to improve communication, workflow efficiencies, resident care and hygiene safety for the care recipient. Designed and suitable for group homes, independent living units, hospitals and high care facilities in Australia.

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How they meet the current best practice for dementia design:

  • Black Crow’s smart grab rails’ warm timber finish contrasts well with their background.
    In comparison, stainless steel grab rails are less visible because of their reflective metal finish, are cold to touch and appear uninviting.

  • At de Fiddes we like these Smart Grab Rails as they have a nonslip, undulating profile making them easier to grip – especially when wet and they look domestic!

  • They have all the extra safety features we love - Grab Rails fully incorporate additional items for ease of use – such as toilet roll holders. Reducing the clutter and potential hazards in the space.

Find out more about the Grab Rails on Black Crow Designs website by clicking here.

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Ensafe Grab Rails Call button.png
DesignAmy Bosnar