Sound absorbing room dividers for Aged Care Design


Excess noise is often an issue in aged care facilities. In common areas there is always a lot happening, from various people walking on hard floors, to the rattling of trollies and even the background sounds of conversations can together lead to a high level of discomfort, agitation and confusion in the elderly.  People living with dementia can be even more affected by environmental noise as they may find it harder to distinguish sounds and interpret information accurately.


So when we found these gorgeous sound absorbing room dividers called Soundsticks by designer Andrea Ruggiero. We were so excited!

We could see the application in aged care and assisted living environments ranging from quieting down reception areas to absorbing noises in other areas such as cafés.  What’s more, these Soundsticks are sustainable! Made with recycled left over fabric and aluminium caps, they are a no waste design. Soft to touch, they feel and look beautiful.  The Soundsticks can be arranged at various heights, in clusters or a row depending on the space and how much sound absorption is needed.

Gorgeous design and useful for aged care sounds like music to our ears!

Click here to read more about acoustic design in aged care facilities and click here to read the specific challenges acoustics presents in retirement home design.

If you want Perth’s aged care design specialist to help improve the acoustics in your aged care facility contact us.