A collaboration to get excited about!

Keeping functionality, safety and style in mind Push Mobility and La La Land have recently joined forces to design 18 unique push hubs, offering Australians with disabilities more choice when it comes to their wheels.

The proud collaboration, made and designed in Australia by La La Lands talented in-house artists Lilly Perrott and Murilo Manzini, the hubs are a terrific conversation starter with beautiful Australian flora and abstract designs along with other eye catching prints.

A few of the many stylish designs on offer!

A few of the many stylish designs on offer!

The high-quality hubs have been designed with a slight cone shape and a small inner gap making the wheel look stylish and complete.

With each hub recyclable and completely non toxic leaving only a small carbon footprint, this is a product everyone in our Perth office has got excited about!

For further designs, information or to purchase the unique hubs visit: www.pushmobility.com.au

DesignAmy Bosnar