Hug by Laugh Project


Emotional Support is critical for all of us. One of our most basic needs as human beings is connection with other people and we know that when you enter residential aged care quite often that connection is limited.

Recently we were sent some information on a wonderful sensory device called HUG by LAUGH® We all know how important it is to receive a hug and how that makes you feel.

HUG by LAUGH has been created to bring pleasure and comfort to people living with dementia. It is designed to be cuddled and has a beating heart within its soft body and can also play music that can be easily changed to a favourite playlist.

The results so far have been amazing for residents and certainly from a visitors point of view keeping conversations ‘in the moment’ can be challenging and it can be difficult to know what to talk about.  HUG can provide a focus for conversation.

So whilst there is nothing like an actual hug from a human it certainly fills a gap in care.

For more information visit the Laugh Project -

Image Courtesy of Arts and Humanities Research Council

Image Courtesy of Arts and Humanities Research Council